“Transborda”, Ruchita, curated by scott MacLeay at the Instituto Internancional Juarez Machado / video of exhibition: https://vimeo.com/246891719
“Invisíveis”, Gilma Mello, Instituto Internacional Juarez Machado
Curatorial / Art Direction Work
The following is a list of exhibitions of projects curated and art directed by Scott MacLeay for brazilian artists that followed his mentoring programs since he moved to Florianópolis from Paris in 2010.
A seguir está uma lista de exposições de projetos com curadoria e direção artística de Scott MacLeay para artistas brasileiros que seguiram seus programas de mentoria desde que ele se mudou para Florianópolis em 2010.
• Annual photographic exhibitions for the Department of Photography of the American Center for Artists in Paris at the Arles Festival (1981 – 1986).
• Interferences: Scott MacLeay and Guests at the Gallery Lindolf Bell, CIC - Florianópolis (2014)
• Perspectiva(s): group exhibition at the Helena Fretta Galeria de Arte - Florianópolis, Brazil (2014)
• Hotel Esplêndido: Laura Fonseca at the Museu, Inimá de Paula - Belo Horizonte, Brazil (2015)
• Hotel Esplêndido: Laura Fonseca at MuMA - Curitiba, Brazil (2015)
• Abstrações Concretas: group exhibition at the gallery Garagem - Curitiba, Brazil (2015)
• Definindo Tempo: Marco Giacomelli at the Helena Fretta Galeria de Arte - Florianópolis, Brazil (2015)
• Ondas de Luz: Marco Giacomelli for the Curitiba Biennial at MuMA - Curitiba, Brazil (2015)
• Sobre Aguas: Marco Giacomelli at the Museum of Image and Sound (MIS) - Florianópolis, Brazil (2016)
• Metamorphosis IV: Marco Giacomelli at the Instituto Juarez Machado - Joinville, Brazil (2016)
• Artistic Coordinator / Curator of the Contemporary Art Prize of the Alliance Française for the State of Santa Catarina - Florianópolis, Brazil (2016, 2017)
• Transborda: Juliana Stringhini Ruchita at the Instituto Internacional Juarez Machado - Joinville, Brazil (2017) and at the MESC - Florianópolis, Brazil (2018)
• 3 x 3 = 1: Lauro Andrade, Marco Giacomelli, Scott MacLeay at the Galeria Pedra - Florianópolis, Brazil (2019)
• Introspecções: Juliana Stringhini Ruchita at the Galeria Pedra - Florianópolis, Brazil (2019)
• Escuridão Iluminada: Lauro Andrade at the Instituto Internacional Juarez Machado - Joinville, Brazil (2019 / 2020)
• Somos Grãos: Ruchita at the Galeria de Arte da Villa Francioni, São Joaquim, Santa Catarina, Brazil (2021)
• Invisíveis: Gilma Mello at the Instituto Internacional Juarez Machado - Joinville, Brazil (2021 ) and at the Galeria Lindolf Bell, CIC - Florianópolis, Brazil (2023)
• Face À Impermanência: Ruchita at the Instituto Internacional Juarez Machado - Joinville, Brazil (2023) and at the Museu da Imagem e do Som - Florianópolis, Brazil (2024)
• Estou-Sou: Ruchita at the Centro Helio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2024) and SESC Jaraquá do Sul, Brazil (2024)
• Revérbero: Roni Munk, at the Instituto Internacional Juarez Machado - Joinville, Brazil (2024)
“Revérbero”, Roni Munk, curated by Scott MacLeay at the Instituto Internacional Juarez Machado / video of exhibition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzq74qdT190
"Definindo Tempo", Marco Giacomelli, Galeria Helena Fretta / Link to film on “Metamorphosis IV” - exhibition of Marco Giacomelli curated by Scott MacLeay at the Instituto Juarez Machado, Joinville, Brazil : https://vimeo.com/191729488
“Escuridão Iluminada”, Lauro Andrade, curated by Scott MacLeay at the Instituto Internacional Juarez Machado / video of exhibition: click here