RELATIVITY: The Journey InsidE

“Relativity: The Journey Inside” is a stand-alone adaptation of one of MacLeay’s testimonies contained in his interactive, performance-based project “Encounters in the Right and Left Hemispheres”. In this piece he reflects on the thoughts provoked by his participation and more generally, how the project had affected him.

It is an introspective moment during which MacLeay relates his thoughts on his incessant search for an undefined goal and how the project “Encounters…” haunted him constantly during the six months of filming. The video includes flashbacks of situations/encounters experienced during the project, revealing the impact of the project as a whole on both MacLeay and Tássya Karasiak, his performance partner in the project. Taken together these experiences represent a loosely-knit reflective framework designed to help situate the action-reaction chance encounters that were at the heart of the project. As a stand-alone work, it is a revealing self-portrait of the artist and his ambiguous journey during the project.